Jüdische Pflege- geschichte

Jewish Nursing History

Biographien und Institutionen in Frankfurt am Main


Clementine Kinderhospital, 2008 Clementine Children’s Hospital, 2008  Bildnachweis Picture credit

„High standards of medical care, good nursing care, human warmth and understanding toward the patient … treatment of every person in need of care, no matter what skin color or nationality, where poor or rich, Jew, Christian or Arab.“
— Thea Levinsohn-Wolf

The project „Jewish Nursing History – Biographies and institutions in Frankfurt Main“ is a research project of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. It approaches Jewish nursing history in Frankfurt am Main from several perspectives: through in-depth articles concerning events, key persons and institutions. Read more

Our research database

The research database of this project, which is unique in Germany, is an extensive knowledge network of chronological data and individual entries, picture documents and enables comprehensive research and insights into the thematic complex of Jewish nursing history and far beyond. And much more than a search in a database. It makes it possible to explore and perceive the history(s) of persons, institutions, places in readable chronicles and through its numerous references and links in a holistic way. And last but not least, it is a part of the history of the city of Frankfurt am Main. Currently only available in German language

Discover places of Jewish Nursing History in Frankfurt am Main. Currently only available in German language

Vorschaubild der Stadtkarte Frankfurt am Main

Ernst-Ludwig Chambre-Stiftung zu Lich

Förderverein der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Georg und Franziska Speyer’sche Hochschulstiftung

Leo Baeck Programm

Unna-Stiftung Göttingen

Verein zur Förderung der historischen Pflegeforschung e.V. in Frankfurt am Main