Jüdische Pflege- geschichte

Jewish Nursing History

Biographien und Institutionen in Frankfurt am Main

Ein Beitrag aus
Verweise hervorheben

The development of professionalized Jewish nursing in Germany

Presentation at the „International Conference on The History of Nursing“ in Florence held by Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Ulmer, 13. to 15. February 2020

The following findings are based on the foundational work of Hilde Steppe (1947–1999), a pioneer of research into nursing history. She was the first to document the successful history of Jewish nursing in Germany, particularly in Frankfurt am Main, in her dissertation in 1997. Following her early death, we – Dr. Birgit Seemann, Dr. Edgar Bönisch, and myself – have continued and expanded the work on this topic within the Research Project „Jewish Nursing History“ since 2006. You are invited to find out more in this article about the Frankfurt Verein für jüdische Krankenpflegerinnen (Association of Jewish nurses) and the biographies of the nurses Klara Gordon (matron), Thea Levinsohn-Wolf, Toni Spangenthal and Toni‘s daughter.

Die Pflegehistorikerin Prof. Dr. Hilde Steppe (links) und die Krankenschwester und Autobiografin Thea Levinsohn-Wolf 1995 in der damaligen Fachhochschule Frankfurt bei der Durchsicht von Dokumenten
© Eva-Maria Ulmer

PDF-Publication (English)
Eva-Maria Ulmer: Presentation Jewish Nursing History in Florence

PDF-Publication (German)
Eva-Maria Ulmer: Vortrag Jüdische Pflegegeschichte in Florenz